
Options affecting the styling of navigation arrows and how navigation behaves.


Navigation comes in 7 different arrow styles and 2 different colors - light and dark.

Navigation arrows can be placed on top of the slides or placed on the side of the slider - either by shrinking the sliders or using negative margins.

By default navigation arrows do not display unless a slider is hovered - but can be set to always be visible. On touch devices, arrows are hidden by default always and navigation happens using touch. This can also be overruled and navigation arrows displayed on small devices.

The navigation can play automatically and pause on mouseover or touch.

Navigation arrows are handled by the Swiffy Slider script. If the script is omitted, a combination of scrollbars on desktop and touch on mobile can be used to navigate the slides.

Default navigation

RTL Default navigation

Round navigation .slider-nav-round

Round navigation .slider-nav-square

Arrow navigation .slider-nav-arrow

Chevron navigation .slider-nav-chevron

Caret navigation .slider-nav-caret

Caret fill navigation .slider-nav-caretfill

Default navigation, dark .slider-nav-dark

Round navigation, dark .slider-nav-round .slider-nav-dark

Default navigation, dark, outside .slider-nav-dark .slider-nav-outside

Default navigation, round, outside .slider-nav-round .slider-nav-outside

Default navigation, dark, outside expanded .slider-nav-dark .slider-nav-outside-expand

Default navigation, round, outside expanded .slider-nav-round .slider-nav-outside-expand

Auto hide navigation arrrows when on first or last slide .slider-nav-autohide .slider-item-first-visible

RTL: Auto hide navigation arrrows when on first or last slide .slider-nav-autohide .slider-item-first-visible

No navigation buttons but with scrollbar .slider-nav-scrollbar

Nodelay navigation .slider-nav-nodelay

Navigate entire page .slider-nav-page

Navigation always visible (desktop>992px) .slider-nav-visible

Navigation always visible and also shows on mobile .slider-nav-visible .slider-nav-touch

Navigation with noloop .slider-nav-noloop