Slide animation
Options affecting how slides are animated.
Slide animation
Control how slides will animate
Enable anymation .slider-nav-animation
Add this class to enable animation. No animation will occur before an animation style class has been added as well
Fadein animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-fadein
Fades in the slides
Scale animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-scale
Scales up the slides
Scale up animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-scaleup
Scales up the slides from very small
Slide up animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-slideup
Slides up from the bottom of the sliding area
Turn animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-turn
Turns the slide when entering
Animation speed
By default animation has a duration of .75s. This can be increased or decreased
Fast animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-fast
Increases the time it takes to complete the animation to 1.25s
Slow animation .slider-nav-animation .slider-nav-animation-slow
Increases the time it takes to complete the animation to 1.25s